Aldea Agoge (Agoge Village) Country: Mexico Website:
* Service: Addiction and family recovery villages: There are hundreds of thousands of youth, men, and women in the towns and cities of Mexico who are in urgent need of addiction recovery. Agoge means “training” for life – domestic, vocation, music, communication, commandments, battle... Men and women become “The Walls of the City” built with principles that cannot be shaken with agoge “blocks”.
* Community: Addiction treatment – Family Therapy – Modern Agoge (life training) – Work Ethic... Directors: Omar Cortes Flores & Jason Scott --- Staff, Assistants, Partners who donate from small to larger amounts. Cities and Detail: Aldea Agoge 1 (Active) – Size: 50 trainees - Location: Lomas del Paraiso - Tulancingo, Hidalgo; Mexico. Facility: Land (10,000 ft²) with a sanctuary, kitchen, bathrooms and dorms – purchased (titled under a non-profit association). Aldea Agoge 2 (Projected-2019) – Size: 50 trainees - Location: El Banco – Tulancingo, Hidalgo; Mexico. Facility: Large, fenced in academy for rent ($800 usd per month). Aldea Agoge 3 (Projected-2019) - Size: 40 trainees - Location: Huauchinango, Puebla; Mexico. Facility: Large, fenced in house for rent ($650 usd per month) Aldea Agoge 4 (Projected-2020?) – Size: 100-300 trainees – Location: Outside of Mexico City (CDMX).
* Facility: Purchase land (1-3 acres) and build the facility in 10 sections.
* Mission: Let's visualize - Anyone who has come in close contact with a person caught in addiction will most likely have experienced some level of despair. Substance abuse differs from addiction. Many people with substance abuse problems are able to quit or can change their unhealthy behavior when it leads to negative consequences. Addiction, on the other hand is different. It means the person will not stop using even when consumption causes harm to both themselves and those who come into contact with them. Parents, grand-parents, family members, close friends can find themselves in what would seem a hopeless, dark situation that feels as if there is no light at the end of the tunnel. Agoge Village provides an environment that can change the course in the right direction for those who could other-wise self destruct within a short period of time. Aldea Agoge is in partnership with Mountain Gateway (Dripping Springs, Texas). We have been amply supported by Heaven’s Family (Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania) and other ministries/friends who go above and beyond to love their neighbors as themselves.
* History: On May 8th, 2012 the first “trainee” (Arturo) with severe addiction to alcoholism was given a bed and community support on what we now call Aldea Agoge. He slept in the sanctuary because we did not have a dorm available for him. Four days later another man (Lalo) suffering from the same addiction was given a bed in the sanctuary as well. The director Omar once lived on the streets, this gave him a heart for those who are caught in the same conditions that he once was. If it wasn't for a Christian man (Chucho) who took him into his home and trained him to have discipline then he most likely would have remained on a destructive path. We have received over 300 men since our inception.
* We need your help: All funds received are channeled towards the maintenance of the active Village if so requested or can be invested into the new Villages being formed as we get more partners on board.
* We need you on board: Addiction recovery? I was very reluctant at first I have to admit! I know that we need the support of you, the faith/friend community but the idea of getting support for rough addicts who probably won’t be on the cover of a magazine is not at the top of most donators list. I get it! But wait! Supporting Agoge Village is much, much more than addiction recovery. Let me tell you why. What if I told you that the following is not only possible but has been done with success in Tulancingo, Hidalgo: A church of 100-200 people (mostly new converts) attending services within 1 year with minimal persuasion. The community is sustainable through donations by the families who are encouraged to cover the basic needs (room and board) and more when possible. Over 300 addicts have went through the 3-6 month training on around 10,000 ft2 of land (owned or rented). Healed marriages, healed bodies, children brought into positive community, abuse ceased, families recovered, economies improved, education increased...
* Donations: We need to kick start Agoge Villages! Here’s how it works... We only need 4-6 months of rent paid until the rented facilities are at capacity and then the Agoge Village is sustainable. If we have 4-6 months of rent for the next Village then another facility can be filled in very little time! Can you help us with a couple months of rent? We can take it from there! Join us, together we can build a brighter future for many families :)
Thank you, Jason Scott Fitzpatrick and the Agoge Village Team